
 Blog : Tourism news from our region

There's so much to discover close to the Moulin du Boisset. To keep you informed, we're writing articles about local news, what we've discovered on our walks, what's happening in the tourist industry, our favourite places to visit, and also a few words about our life in this beautiful house...

We hope you enjoy reading them.


The (steam) time machine

The route takes in part of the old railway line from Bordeaux to Aurillac, opened in 1889 and spanning the Dordogne by 80 metres. As soon as it opened, this line competed with the gabares (flat-bottomed boats) on the Dordogne river, giving rise to some stormy conflicts between the railway company and the bargemen. Unshored in 1917 for military purposes during the First World War, it was rebuilt in 1919 with American rail still in place today. Between the wars, the train was used to ship truffles to the Martel market, one of the biggest in France, hence the name of the locomotive "Truffadou".


On board the train, you'll pass through breathtaking scenery with tunnels, a viaduct, cliffs and magnificent panoramas of the Dordogne. Make the most of the breaks to take some superb photos. Get up close to the loco to chat with the engineers. In the tunnels, close your eyes and breathe in the warmth of the steam and the smell of coal. Listen to the sounds of the machine, the movement of its connecting rods creating a breathing sound, the whistles announcing shunting operations.

Are you there yet? The magic has happened and you've gone back in time a century...

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