
 Blog : Tourism news from our region

There's so much to discover close to the Moulin du Boisset. To keep you informed, we're writing articles about local news, what we've discovered on our walks, what's happening in the tourist industry, our favourite places to visit, and also a few words about our life in this beautiful house...

We hope you enjoy reading them.

From Bouziès to Saint Cirq Lapopie

Today, on an unseasonably warm and sunny February day, we decided to move a little further away from the Moulin. The Lot department is criss-crossed by 2 rivers, the Dordogne to the north, which we know well as it flows just 5 minutes from our house, and the Lot to the south, which we know much less about, flowing through the department's prefecture, Cahors. So we headed south to Bouziès, just over an hour's drive away, which would be the starting point for our walk. The road is winding, but passes through the superb Causse landscapes that characterise the karstic relief typical of our region, with exposed limestone rocks, groves of oak trees and low stone walls demarcating the plots.

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Vallée Lot et Dordogne

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Vallée Lot et Dordogne

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